One thing I love about the East Coast is the distinct seasons. It's been a gorgeous few weeks here recently ... an extended summer ... swimming outside, getting sweaty on my morning run, windows open 24/7. Since Monday there has been a new coolness in the air ... today the whole park was filled with this delicious fresh ozone scent ... leaves and sunshine and earthiness. It's time, the weather is saying. Let's move on. Next season.
Sensing that change I am all about apples and pumpkin and spicy vegetable soups ... bringing the welsh blanket out of the cupboard and getting my fleece lined boots ready!!
David and I will be heading to Utah in a few days time for some well deserved R+R at Bryce and Zion. Hiking hot and sunny days, relaxing under cool and starry nights. And there's SO much fun travel to look forward to - next year I already have Tulum Mexico (come join me!!), Ireland and Iceland on the calendar. North Iceland 2018 is starting to book up - Kristin sent me this awesome picture from last years adventure - I think it sums up the fun we ALL had. Click here if you are thinking about joining us xx